Death By Cannabis: Infused With Augmented Reality

Most people who read Death By Cannabis agree: it just hits different than other novels.

They might be alluding to the DMT Rom-Com chapter.

Or the Master Grower’s origin story of the mom who set her teen daughter up with grow equipment to keep her off heroin.

Maybe they’re cannabis geeks enthralled by the scientific and technical nuggets interspersed with the action at the fictional Ontario Licensed Producer.

Or they just dig the historical value of stories told from the infancy of Canadian legalization.

Augmented Reality: Blowing Readers’ Stoned Minds

If there’s one thing about the Death By Cannabis experience that makes it different from any other novel you’ve read, it’s the Augmented Reality pages.

When you open the book, the very first page explains how it works:

By opening the camera-enabled browser window on a smartphone, tablet, or wearable device the SOP pages for each department at I-Deal Cannabis come to life as parody instructional videos.

Here’s how it works in action:

Did you catch the narrator of the SOP vids?

The parody is an animated re-up of a hilarious meme created by none other than the Conservative Party of Canada back in 2015, in an attempt to besmirch our soon-to-be Prime Minister for his cannabis-first election platform.

Don’t sleep on the AR!

If you’re the kind of curmudgeon who thinks the idea of keeping a device handy while reading a novel is nothing but a big crock of hooey, you can still read the book.

But be forewarned, you’re going to miss out on some of the best parts (including the final vision ending!).

If you’ve experienced the Death By Cannabis AR pages please leave a comment below, it would be great to hear some readers’ feedback.

For those who haven’t experienced it – go get the book!

Get another one for your cannabis geek friend too, and please make sure you both leave a review, it’s a huge help to the project.